
Download Driver Samsung ML-1750

Driver Samsung ML-1750

With its faster-than-average speed, 15,000-pages-per-month duty cycle, Windows and Mac support, parallel and USB 2.0 ports, and one-year exchange program, the Samsung ML-1750 is a strong contender for top honors. To sweeten the deal, it's also one of four printers tied for the lowest price. It had the second-fastest total output time on both our general-purpose and high-quality speed tests, as well as the second-lowest rated cost per page, at 1.7 cents.
Driver Samsung ML-1750

Download Driver Samsung ML-1750

Operating System(s): Windows XP
  • Samsung ML-1750 XP Driver Download (7.08 MB)
Operating System(s): Windows 7
  • Samsung ML-1750 Win7 Driver Download (12.63 MB)

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