
Etabs steel frame serviceability check error.

Found it very interesting to calculate the factors taken under consideration by the software, while checking the vertical deflections in steel frame members. Here they are:
Dead load scale factor: 1.3-1.5
Live load scale factor: 1.8-3.3

In order to check the results, a single story, one bay steel building has been designed. L/B/H=8.00/8.00/3.00m Beam sections IPE240, Column sections HEB300, slab h=20cm with stiffness modifier 0.50.

The results given from the steel frame design of the beams:
-for Dead Load 19.2mm, instead of 14.3mm (ScF=19.2/14.3=1.34)
-for Live Load 44.8mm, instead of  14.0mm (ScF=44.8/14.0=3.2)
-for ADL, δ=5.6mm, so for for Super DL+Live Load 50.2mm, instead of 5.6+14.0=19.6mm

Until now, couldn't find the reason for this. Any comment appreciated.

Results from serviceability check

Deflection for Live Load

Deflection for Dead (self weight) Load

Deflection for Additional Dead Load

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